Henry Kissinger

Well we now have a Students' Union Council.

Thanks to everyone who stood and everyone who voted. We're pleased with how it all went but know there is room for improvement next year. However, now's the exciting bit where we get to start having debates on the issues and making decisions.

One thing I've been working on recently is getting more big name politicians and people engaged in current affairs to come and address students here. We do have some brilliant events organised by societies but I'm aware from being on the debating committee that it's hard work trying to get people in. Getting the Union working on it provides more resources and hopefully there will be the opportunity to collaborate with the University on the idea. I've been meeting with the politics society and the debating committee who are both enthusiastic about how we can work together.

We've thrown a few ideas of who we could get in. Henry Kissinger is slightly out of our price bracket given that he apparently charges £50k per speech(!) but David Blunkett's already agreed to come. If you have any other ideas for who you'd like to see addressing an audience and potentially taking a few quesions then please let me know.

Hopefully we'll have an exciting programme of engaging speeches/lectures coming together very soon.

Any ideas let me know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can we get Craig from Big Brother to come, he was well gud when he released that christmas song a few years bac, ded eloquent as well.

Cheers Pete,

Your a Lege,

Keep Up the Good Work,
