Buenos Días

Hola, buenos días.

That's what I've learnt from the 'Conversational Spanish' book I just got free, along with a Divine chocolate bar, with the Independent. I love it when the newspapers turn up to promote themselves.

Voting starts this morning and it is an exciting opportunity to have your say on who should run the Union next year. I think a lot of the races are going to be fairly tight and there are some really good candidates so make sure you get out and vote.

The Exchange Anthony Giddens speech this evening is now sold out, which suggests that it is not just me who thinks this will be a really interesting event. The podcast should be online soon though for those who haven't got a ticket. Look out for the debate we've got in a month's time on how University should be funded, with a really strong panel of people with real influence in the area.

Finally, a quick plug for the International Cultural Evening this Saturday. This is the main showcase event for the national societies with a lot of them performing on stage. A huge ammount of effort goes into the event and it is a brilliant spectacle and a great celebration of the diverse cultures we have at the university. If you're a home student with no real involvement with international events then this is a perfect opportunity to see a different part of what Sheffield Students' Union's about.


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