Commercial Services

One of my main responsibilities is overseeing the Union's commercial services and making sure student interests are served by these. Our commercial services have changed and evolved hugely over time and are, in the main, very succesful. The launch of New Leaf and Fusion Bar and Grill (check out their impressive Christmas menu) have been well received this year and people don't seem to miss the sandwich shop much, prefering the light that has been opened up by removing it.

The commerical services serve two purposes for the Union:

- Firstly, they are valuable in and of themselves, as it is good for our members to have great places to go and eat lunch, have a pint, buy a magazine or whatever. Moreover, the fact that the Union is led by students (through officers and SUC) means that we are able to keep in touch with what students want to a greater degree than competitors.

- Secondly the profit made at the outlets is reinvested to pay for other services to members. These include things like the student advice centre and committee budgets.

It is important not to sit back and be content, however, as there are always ways to improve.

It's always great to hear ideas from other people. If you have any ideas about what the Union should be doing, however whacky, send me an email. I certainly can't promise to take them up but we could do and it helps it terms of thinking out of the box and being in touch with what our members want. Alternatively come along to Commercial Services Committee, which discusses these issues. If you email me, I'll let you know when the next meeting is.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.