New Leaf


The new year is upon us and so I'm turning over a new leaf and going to make sure I update my blog regularly. I'll try for every week.

Thanks for the two people who left comments on my last blog. They asked for more jokes and my moment of the month. Being the responsive (although not hilarious) person that I am I'm going to try and respond to that.

So Pete's moment of the month. There are a few competitors:

- the practical joking of your activities officer ranks highly (the moustache on our President's fine face in the poster looking out on the concourse and changing the International Student Officer's business cards from her actual surname to read Marika Paprika). Hopefully the antics will get ever more outrageous as the year goes on.

- going to an awards ceremony presented by Patrick Kielty (and with Peter Stringfellow in attendance) was an interesting occasion. Bar One was up for an award. Unfortunately we didn't win but I'm confident of success next year.

- However, the winner will have to be freshers week in general. It's brilliant to have the Union as a hive of activity again and to see our new venues and ventures up and running. To reference the title, New Leaf our new deli-salad bar has been received very positively as has the new bar and grill in the Fusion.

Any suggestions for the next blog? Hopefully this demonstrates that I will listen. And on that theme of responding to feedback: it's been good to get the commercial services committee going for this year. To effectively represent students views on our bars, venues, shops, catering outlets, etc they need your suggestions and comments. Email with any thoughts you have.

If you're interested in getting involved in the committee then please come along to our intro meeting on Tuesday 9th October complete with a tour of the Union and all the information you could need on our commercial services, without any committment to stay involved if it's not for you.

I think that's enough of a plug! Hope freshers week has been good for you, that those going to Freshers Mania tonight enjoy Tim Westwood(!) and check back next week to see if I'm keeping up with my aim to do my blog each week.
