sound impact awards

Hello readers,

Today is a fairly quiet day in terms of meetings but I'm going to read through some stuff about the union's environmental policies. This is in light of the nationally run 'Sound Impact Awards' which accredit unions for environmental best practice. Last year we achieved a bronze accreditation, which certainly is not to be sniffed at, but this year we want to gain at least a silver accreditation. Of course, we want to improve our environmental practice regardless of whether we receive awards for it, however the Sound Impact Awards are a good benchmark of whether our performance has improved from last year.

I've written objectives for the year and am currently seeking some feedback on them so I can refine them. I'll put them up soon.

Part of our induction as officers has involved learning a bit about the history of our organisation. It has helped instill a sense of pride to work for this students' union. One interesting fact is that in 1967 RAG painted a zebra crossing onto a new extension of the M1! There's a book out if you want to learn more of our history (not that I'm trying to plug it!).

If you've got any suggestions of topics for my blog then please be in contact.
